Advantages and Disadvantages of a Macrobiotic Diet.

22 06 2009
  • The Advantages:

The macrobiotic diet is high in natural, unprocessed foods, complex carbohydrates, and vegetables. It is low in saturated fats, whilst providing the essential fats. It could be considered a weight loss diet, due to these factors, and the potential lower calorie count. However Macrobiotics is more of a way of life, than just another weight loss fad.

There are a number of claims made about the healing properties of the macrobiotic diet. Conditions such as cancer and heart disease have apparently been aided by this diet. However some claims are unsubstantiated.

  • The Disadvantages:

The macrobiotic diet can be fairly strict. Where a diet is strict there is a potential for nutritional deficiencies – particularly calcium and iron.